
Can You Put A Laptop In A Checked Bag

In March 2017, the Transport Security Administration (TSA) announced an update for which electronic elements are allowed and not allowed in the checked baggage. Are laptops allowed in checked baggage with this new regulation? If you're getting ready for a flight, it's important to know this update is related not only to laptops, it also has to do with other devices like cameras, Tablets, and PlayStations.

Are Laptops Allowed in Checked Baggage?

Laptops and other electronic types of equipment, such as tablets or gamer devices, are allowed in checked baggage. That being said, TSA and most airlines strongly encourage you to store them in your carry on.

If you register your Laptop in Checked Baggage, you should be aware that your device might suffer damages due to probable poor handling and manipulation of your personal belongings.

Person storing their laptop in a bag

Is a Laptop Allowed in Your Checked Baggage in India?

You are allowed to keep your Laptop in your checked baggage in India. Keep in mind the risks associated with the handling of your equipment and the regular security procedures in the airports.

However, laptops may soon be banned from check-in baggage in India, so if you're planning to travel there, you should regularly check if this regulation still stands. Other personal devices such as power banks, portable mobile chargers and e-cigarettes are already banned in check-in baggage in India.

This is all in the response of fears that their battery would somehow catch fire and go undetected, leading to possible catastrophes. This actually happened a couple of years ago when mobile phone caught fire on a Delhi-Indore flight which the cabin crew was fortunately able to quickly extinguish.

How Many Laptops Can I Carry on a Plane?

There are actually no limits on the number of Laptops that you can carry on a plane. However, you should be aware that all electronic equipment you take in your checked baggage is exposed to several risks of handling. Besides, you will probably need to open your baggage due to most security procedures.

How do you Travel with a Laptop?

The best way to travel with your Laptop is to take it in your carry on baggage. That way you can keep your laptop close to you and prevent any damage to your devices or mishandling. You can even get some work done on the plane, too!

Man using his laptop at the airport before having his baggage checked

Is It Safe for My Laptop to Take It in the Checked Baggage?

All travelers must be aware that there are several precautions about personal data security and security of your own laptop equipment that you need to take before traveling.

Mishandling Risks

It's unpredictable how your checked baggage is going to suffer the eventualities of a regular flight. Flying turbulences, bad manipulation by the field personal, delays, and air traffic issues can put your equipment at risk. If you still want to have your laptop in your checked baggage, make sure you put your laptop in the middle section of your baggage, surrounded by clothes or soft items, to prevent any possible damage.

Also, remember it's likely you'll go through a deep security check by the airport authorities if you have a laptop in your checked baggage. Don't worry, if this happens the airport staff must have you there during the inspection of your baggage.

Personal Data Risks

If you register your Laptop in the checked baggage, there is a slight risk that your laptop may be hacked. It will only take minutes to a potential criminal to insert some software or hardware to get your personal information.

A man pointing at a laptop screen while the other scrolls through it while being seated on a plane

If that concerns you, a tamper-evident plastic bag is an excellent method to make sure your laptop isn't compromised during your flight. This also gives you a concrete way to know if your laptop is been manipulated, as well as claim evidence.

Additionally, if you have sensitive info on your laptop, it would be convenient to increase its security level, by adding different layers of security. Use a security program to provide more keywords, or two steps verification protocols, using your smartphone or your fingerprint if your laptop allows it.


Legally, you are allowed to carry your laptop in your checked baggage. However, this can be potentially harmful to your personal security and your laptop. Additionally, airline companies and airport authorities around the world encourage you not to do it due to security precautions.

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Can You Put A Laptop In A Checked Bag


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